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Quotes: Jay Gruden 8-7-2018

On how long he will play starters in the first preseason game versus the New England Patriots:

"Yeah, we'll decide on game day. I want to get a good practice out here today and we'll make a decision here. I kind of got it in my mind what I'm going to do, but I don't want to have it etched in stone and then change my mind last minute. But, we'll see how it goes."

On if he shares how long the starters will play with the team:

"It doesn't really matter. Yeah, it doesn't matter. I think I want to get a good practice in. The big thing is to get out of this game Thursday night against the Patriots is to get a good look at some of our core guys that are battling for roster spot, give them plenty of looks, try to get everybody out of here and have a good week of practice against the [New York] Jets."

On the unofficial depth chart reflects who will play in the first preseason game:

"Very little probably, it's just something we had to put out there. I didn't even really look at it so. I think Tony Wylie (Washington Redskins Senior Vice President) did it. Did you do it? You did. Good job, Tony."

On veterans having a day off:

"They all had a couple of tweaks, I think [Jamison] Crowder's groin was a little tight and DJ [Swearinger] same thing I think he had a little tight in the hamstring, I think it was hamstring, but nothing serious they just took the day off."

If WR Jamison Crowder and S D.J. Swearinger:

"I doubt they will play, neither one of those two guys will play."

On what to look for in the first preseason game:

"I think we have to see who rises to the occasion under the lights, really. Special teams is huge, you know we'll some guys run around on special teams making some plays on teams obviously and then the battles you know see some of these young guys play. You know you come out here you got ones go out there, and the twos come out there, and some of the threes get limited reps so it's going to be a great opportunity to see how far they are along in their learning another system and how they produce on game day."

On evaluating the preseason game day operations:

"Yeah, I think it's important for us as coaches to handle it like a game obviously, with the substitutions and trying to get the plays in on time, making sure we have as little chaos as there can be. You know, with all the substitutions with punting, guys out, some are out of the game and we just have to communicate that with our special team's coaches and coordinators. So, I think, try to keep it as calm and as poised as we can but, also getting a lot of work done and getting a look at a lot of guys, you know."

On if giving backup tackles more reps affecting practice and play call for the first preseason game:

"It could a little bit but, I think we've got some good work. [Geron] Christian's got a lot of great work at both right side and left side. Ty [Nsekhe] is kind of filtering back into the lineup a little bit, he's got some good work in. And then [John] Kling has done a good job at right tackle spot. [Cameron] Jefferson has done a good job, so we've had a couple other players fill in there and do a good job so let's let them play."

On if he has concerns with the upcoming joint practice with the NY Jets:

"I have not paid attention to that. I'm sure it's quite entertaining. I'm not concerned, really. I know Coach [Todd] Bowles will handle his group and I'll try the best I can to handle ours. You know, the [Houston] Texans fight [during the 2015 training camp] was really, it was our fault. We tried to go a third day. You know, we had two really good days of practice, back to back, and the third day it was raining, and you can tell it was going to be a little chippy. We should've probably called it earlier, but you know. Coach [Bill] O'Brien and I, we realized we shouldn't have gone three. We should've just gone two padded practices and one in shorts [and] done some more situational work."

On the impact of cutting a player:

"No, I think every player has its own unique circumstance, could be injury, could be didn't get an opportunity or whatever it may be, just young or whatever. But, I think it's important once we get the guys here, they're here for a reason. We've liked something about them and it's our job to try and get the most out of them and give them an opportunity to show what they can do and that's what the preseason is all about, that's what the OTAs are all about and we're trying to find those guys that can make our roster, help us on special teams or eventually be a starter and that's what we found out last year. A lot of these guys were talking about playing a preseason game, number one and two and four, these guys end up becoming eventual starters for us, a lot of them. So, it's an important time for us. However they get here it doesn't matter, fifth round, sixth round, free agent, cut by whomever, they're here now and it's up to them to make an impression on us."

On what player would he pick to babysit kids during Kids Day:

"That's a messed-up question. I would say, I would not want Josh Norman because he's going to be on his phone all day tweeting, you know, he's not going to pay attention to them. No, I'm just kidding, Josh would be great. All these guys would be great. They are all great guys. A lot of them are great dads already. Probably the most fun, I'd probably – Derrius Guice would be fun, he'll play video games with them all day, you know what I mean? He'd have a great time with them. We have a lot of guys that are fun, fun-loving guys with the kids."

On WR Josh Doctson:

"I don't think he's probably going to go today, you know. I think he's just got – it's just a bruised heel – that's all it is, and I just think – right now it's the shoe issue, getting the shoe on him right now – it's a little sore, so we just want to make sure he's good. We might see him in ­­­individuals a little bit. He got stepped on -- on that last play in the end zone, in the corner of the end zone, he landed on his shoulder and also got his heel stepped on."

On players appearing their first ever preseason game:

"Yeah, it's exciting for 'em. A lot of people say preseason doesn't mean anything, it means a lot to these guys. These guys put a lot of work in and it's important, it's their livelihood. They're trying to make a football team, so they're going to have pregame jitters for sure. They're excited to show what they can do, but they're also going to have a little bit of nerves going and it's our job to calm them down and try to put them in a situation where they can be calmed down and do what they are meant to do. So just be excited for these guys, it will be fun to watch them. I like look forward to it."
